"Hi Tim, yup I got the Picture Badge on my site and I also made my own
just below it that came out really nice with the picture of my ship.
Thanks for your help... Gerry (Frenchy DC3)"
"Hi Howie, Glad to see you here. Welcome Aboard!!!
I have sent everyone I know of the JAF to join this group.
It has been slow. I got a request to join Navy vets awhile ago,
this is a great website. Any updates I get will be posted here.
Well again…"
"Hi Al, thanks for the messages.. I fixed the Reunion page. I was transfering my photo pages and website to a new location. But again thanks for your interest and your comments.. Frenchy DC3"
"Hey Tom Welcome Aboard shipmate...Been along time but it's really great to have you aboard and hope to here from more soon and looking forward to the 2009 reunion to see you again.
Frenchy DC3"
that would be so cool having a RC Intruder. I rememebr when first start working on them, thinking how "ugly" they were and being jealous of the F-14 squadrons. But once I saw them drop some bombs, I fell in love them! Go Intruder!
Well done.