Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Same here Bob. In contact with a one or two guys from other duty stations. But none from boot camp. "
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Just curious. But it's been a little over 51 years since I graduated from Boot Camp. How many of you folks still have contact with any of your old shipmates ? I still have one or two."
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Can't believe it's been that long ago !"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Rest in peace Chief Barbee ."
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley commented on William (Bill) Karr ETC(SS)'s blog post We Lost a Founder Today: ETC(SS) William D. Karr
"Prayers heading your way, be strong ."
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"I guess my Navy time must have been somewhat different. 4 years 3 months 15 days. My brother did 24 years. Brother Ed passed away in 2009 due to Agent Orange exposure. We both were proud to have served and  we both thought the Navy was the only…"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Happy Fathers Day to you too Bill. Lot of sailors in my family also. I read where you were on the Iowa. Sailing on a BB was always my dream, tried to get on the New Jersey when they brought it back during Viet Nam, didn't make it, ended up on the…"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"To quote that great American, the late Rodney King. "Can't we all just get along?". 
Just kidding guys."
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"2 million bucks for a condo at RTC ? Heck they paid me 87.00 a month to stay there, lol !"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"We were raised to hate and fear the Communists. Remember the films they showed us in school? One was narrated by Jack Webb with a prolog by J Edgar Hoover. It was about an American town taken over by the commies. And then there was the domino theory…"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"I actually served with a Navy Draftee when I was stationed in D.C. They were far and few between. Only one I ever ran into. The Navy and Marines had a few draftees in 65 and 66. Don't know if  the guy was pulling my leg, but he said the Navy…"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"By the way Pat, my brother was a AZC who was with P-3 Orions out of Brunswick, Me. Retired on instruction duty there shortly after Desert Storm. "
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Thomas, I agree. It burns me up to see foreign aid money going to countries that would turn on us in a New York minute. "
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"There are so many things that have changed in the military since my day. Pay is so much better. I think you really have to excel now to make it a career. But with things winding down in Afganistan and Iraq I wonder if there will be a lot of…"
Aug 21, 2019
Daniel J Chesley left a comment on RTC San Diego
"Yeah Pat from some folks. Others that I know would love for their kids to get the heck off the couch and join something."
Aug 21, 2019