Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana
2017 VA85 Reunion
Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do. Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going! For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC. To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster. Send an email indicating your interest to: va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014. Lets keep it going. Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?
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hi guys, ive experienced the same problem,more than likley for the same people
its a real pain in the try and find a freind or a navy pal and you end up getting twisted.
Al.... The biggest challange is finding a people search engine that doesnt want to charge for useless information. I dont mind paying at all , I just want my moneys worth....LOL
Sorry about the cancer. I hope you are well now. VASVW has new legislation written now looking for sponsor in congress. Check out the web site and it's free to join - always looking for more Blue Water Navy support. Does Rick have written documentation he can send me. Anything to prove to VA that we were exposed will help our cause. Thanks
Rick called me on the phone giving me that info. Since the blue water bunch has been excluded from AO< claimms are tough. I had Kidney Cancer that I think was caused by AO. I spent a few days at DaNang in transient from a TAD assignment from Okinawa to the Constellation.
Al , yard dog was from evansville indiana. I have not seen or heard from him since he left va-85..
Hey Larry,
I also belong to a group VASVW.ORG. A group of Blue Water Sailors, Air Force and others damaged by Agent Orange and trying to get Blue Water Sailors back under presumptive exposure to AO. If you can supply any details, names and or publications to verify this info that would be great news. Any help is appreciated. Thanks