Attack Squadron 85; Official Nickname: Black Falcons, 1958–1994. A-6 squadron / NAS Oceana
2017 VA85 Reunion
Time flies but unfortunately A-6's no longer do. Nevertheless, keep the camaraderie going! For those who are wanting or plan to attend the next reunion, it will take place October 5th thru 8th in Charleston, SC. To get updates regarding the reunion, you need to be added to the reunion roster. Send an email indicating your interest to: va85reunion@gmail.comWe had a great time during our last reunion in 2014. Lets keep it going. Hope to see everyone there.Any suggestions?
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I was told Zap and his wife was at the Forrestal reunion last year in Va Beach. So if you know anyone who is a current member of the Forrestal Association, that may be a way to contact him. Lanning was a "friend" on who I had sent a message to regarding the reunion. I'm not so sure he got my message. Nevertheless, I'm continuing my efforts contacting former VA-85 personnel.
Hope someone will know the answer to this question. I had need to visit sick bay on USS Constellation while in VA85 in 1969. I have a copy of my Personnel file and medical files but nothing showing visits to Conny doctors. Any ideas??
Does anyone remember Larry Fisher from AO shop in 69 and 70? Know where he is???