
  • It's amazing that I don't remember either of you guys. Especially since I was an AT2 when I transferred out of the squadron in September 1960. Maybe i could pick you out of the 1960 Med Cruise book.

    Paul Lapinski 

    • Paul, I am in the 1960 Med Cruise book  I was a PN3  worked for a lst class  named B J Leary

  • I was in VA-85 from May 1958 through September 1960. I then transferred to VA-165 in JAX. Paul Lapinski AT-2.
    • Bill I arrived at VA 85 in March of 1959 and left in Feb of 1961 I live in spring park minnesota where I have a boat yard and marina we are 20 miles west of mpls.on lake minnetonka this is our 50th year here. I plan on attending the reunion with my wife Joyce who was married to me when I was in VA85 and still is



    • Hey Paul, I remember your name, I was in VA 85 from March 1959 thru Feb l961.  I was in the personel office PN3 Jerry "Rock" Rockvam  Are you planning to attend the reunion.  I am really excited that someone else from my era is still around. I worked for a PN1 named B J LEARY.  We also had a boot chief McCugh as far as I remember.
  • Jerry,

    Perhaps you should post your question under "Comments" or Robert Moore's VA-85 Reunion discussion subject. Just a suggestions. -Al

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