Any navy veteran from the State of Idaho
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  •  I joined the Navy 29 May 1969 Recruiting center Twin Falls Idaho and was sent to Boise Induction center in Boise Idaho  and two days later  all seven of us flew out of Boise  airport to  San Diego California and San Diego recruit center for recruit training for 9 weeks of training, then I was off to NAS Millington Tennessee 8 weeks of Aircraft operations fundamentals and Aircraft Structures Mechanical fundamentals and came out Millington as a brand new AMS a\Airman heading back to Idaho for two weeks of leave before heading for my first duty station VR-30 Alameda California and  three years there, while there at VR- 30 I went from airman to  AMS2. Then I shipped over for 6 years heading off to AMS B school and orders to NAF Sigonella Sicily. Three years of sea duty at OMD NAF Sig working on assigned Aircraft and transit incoming Aircraft landing at NAF Sig, while there NAF Sig I gained advancement to AMS1 and order to NAS Oceana AIMD and I and my family were there until Jan.1979, when I left the Navy for good old Idaho and ailing parents.  

  • Shouting out to all the other Navy Vets in Idaho!

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