Any Navy Veteran who served from 2-Sept.-1945 to 26-Dec-1991, prevented World War III for 46 years. We must never forget those who did pay the Ultimate price with their lives. USS Scorpion SSN-589, and many others. I Salute your Bravery.....
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  • Al, I have a brother-in-law that was also aboard the forstall during the time period the you were you may know of him his name is David Seigrist I believe he was a lithographer.

  • Thank you John for backing up what I said I have noticed that there are so many veterans that think they are not elligible for VA because they were not in battle. My step son just retired from the Army because of medical injuries he got in Iraq and he didn't know that he could go to the VA for medical or anything else he thought it was just for home loans it is sad that you have to hunt for help yourself because the military want inform you of the programs available to veterans my stepson was using his own insurance to pay his medical expences.

  • To Mike Sullivan, I think that you explained things to Al Lieberman in a fantastic manner.  Yes are a veteran, the same as any honorably discharged veteran.  Although I am a life member of the VFW and member of the American Legion, you do not have to be in the VFW or the Legion to be a veteran.  You served your country, and just because you weren't sent to a war zone, is not something that you control.  Thank you for your service!

  • I joined the VFW and my service didn't fall in their slots but during the cold war I was on a SSBN sub which is refered to as being under high alert at all times so I fell into another catergory.

  • If you were honorably discharged you can always go to your local VA and sign up for your benifits there are a lot of benifits that even if you were not injured you qualifiy for and you will get a VA ID card it just doesn't say service connected.

  • Since I served after Vietnam but before Desert Storm (active duty from 10/75 to 10/79), many forms I come across ask if I am a veteran.  Unfortunately the choices to be selected only identify recognized conflicts or ask if I'm disabled.  I don't technically fall into any of the categories offered, thus leaving me to answer either none or prefer not to answer.  This leaves me wondering, "what about the "peacetime" veterans?
    Frustrating! I can't join the American Legion or the VFW because I didn't serve during the "recognized" time periods.

    With Veterans Day approaching, I'm always faced with a common debacle. How do I show others that I'm a Veteran?  Is there an identification card (other than my DD214 or discharge certificate) that I can carry like an AL or VFW card, to show to businesses who offer discounts or incentives to veterans?

  • I served from Jan 1958 to Mar 1980.

  • Glad to join this command. I served from 1 July 1960 through 23 August 1963.

    Most of my time was spent in VF-11 stationed at NAS Cecil Field FL and deployed onboard The USS Franklin D. Roosevelt CVA42.  Proud to have been in the U.S. Navy.  I have two brothers that also were in the Navy during the cold war period.

    I was deployed with VF-11 aboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt on a Mediterranean Cruise during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

  • Thanks Stephen I will be on the phone Monday

    As for VA still waiting after four years on appeal

  • hey jerry i see you served on a lsd ,so did i the point d  -31 i read you were dealin with social security as well,so did i they gave me the run around as well,got hold of a state rep he called over an ask what the problem was two days later i received my compensation for disabilty from my job.i have been fighting va but the last communication i got was a va benfits book with info bout regs etc,so i have no clue if i was denied or accepted,others say it's speculation so will wait an see.stephen gibson usn retired.

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Cold War Service Medal-2015

On April 28. 2015 Congressman Steve Israel(D NY-3); as he has for the last several years, along with Congressman David Jolly (R-FL 13) and seven other cosponsors introduce H.R. 2067 The Cold War Service Medal Act 2015. This bill would authorize DoD to issue the Cold War Service Medal to those who served between Sep 1945 and Dec 1991.This bill has been sent to the House Armed Services Committee for consideration. Last year a similar bill went to the committee and just sat there till the end of…

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